Complacent after Ivy League graduation?

My Secret Notebook
2 min readApr 3, 2021

I remember thinking that if I didn’t get into an Ivy League school, and that if the best school I got into was UC Berkeley, I would’ve felt like I didn’t yet prove myself and need to keep trying extra hard, as burned out as I already was.

Which makes me think now: Since I’ve already graduated from an Ivy League, that’s sort of my eternal stamp of approval to lean on. Even if I just laze out and mess everything else up, I can say that I went from nothing to Ivy League grad.

I say this with as much honesty as possible because I used to try to block out these thoughts so I didn’t make myself proud, but I think it’s fine to just be honest for the sake of true self-reflection.

I wonder. If I didn’t even go to college, perhaps I would’ve tried even harder to “make a name for myself”.

My ambitions are too short-sided and my stamina low to really do big things.

I’ve been sitting on projects for almost 2 months, and if I really want to break through, I need to freakin’ get to work.

Sure, Ivy grad status has saved me from low self-esteem, but if I ever want to really do something meaningful or of impact, I need to expand and grow out of where I am now. I need to recognize my need for a lot of rest, my need for a lot of media input, and somehow hack that to still produce content for my goals.



My Secret Notebook

Quirky, curious, and philosophical Asian American gay Ivy League grad living in Southern California.