Dating a Chinese Indonesian boy 9 years younger than I am.
Just got moles zapped on Sunday at the usual place. But I’m going to hot pot tonight at 10pm with Bryan because he works there and his husband doesn’t want to go.
Been talking to the Chinese Indonesian, and we might have a DTR on Wednesday. My main concerns are:
- What does he want? He is going to med school next year and if he’s not in SoCal, can he do long distance? Is he looking for short term dating? If the honest answers are no, it might be better to just be friends.
- Does he want to be a good person? Etiquette and talking trash are my biggest misgivings. He has kind of just left something instead of cleaning/putting things back twice. And he talks arrogantly/talks trash about his roommate and mom even though his roommate is nice to him, and he loves his mom obviously. If he thinks that’s ok and no need to improve, then it might not work out.
There are obviously other things, but these are the main things that I think would be dealbreaking for me. The other things are interests. He likes to party wild and I don’t. I love boardgames, and he doesn’t. These are both things we each like to spend a lot of time doing, and I don’t want to feel like anyone is wasting time dating each other.
Cousin got engaged. Wrote them a choral piece, but I don’t know if they will use it. They wanted me to write a song to sing at their reception, but I did this instead, and since then, they’ve avoided talking about it lol. I’ll probably bring it up with my friend later, no rush right?