Family History About Mom and Dad

My Secret Notebook
3 min readMar 23, 2022

More family history from asking my dad tonight.

My grandpa came to TW and started an ink business (ink pads). My dad and the siblings all worked there before. The “factory” was just another building at the house, and at one point where it was doing well, they had 3–4 hired workers.

When my dad was born, he saw the business as a baby. He didn’t talk/chat with his dad or mom much growing up, his dad would say stuff when important.

His grandma would invite the kids to play cards with her in her bed. It would involve gambling, small gambling lol. Included 1v1. All the kids had played with her at some point. She had bound feet and nothing to do.

In the original house, they had 3 bunk beds for 8–9 people. My dad and his brother NH would share a bed (single size) and grandma and my dad’s little sister would share one, she was really young at that point.

Eventually when he moved to the new building, he and NH shared a room. They didn’t chat that much, maybe once in a once, he forgot.

Grandpa would chat with church friends when they came over.

My mom was born and raised in Fongyuan. She moved to Taichung during that off year between my dad’s high school graduation and college. The girls went to college, but the boys didn’t. Uncle NH may have gone to a local college for a few classes, but didn’t graduate. Oldest uncle went to a 5 year high school / college (?) program. My dad and his younger brother didn’t get in.

My mom worked as a cashier (kuai4ji4) at a restaurant. It was a small one, but they later moved to a bigger place. And they sold all kinds of Chinese food.

She, her little sister, and the ganma that I went to universal with lived in the new building. That’s where she met my dad.

After the off year, my dad went to the military.

A few days ago (or yesterday?) I asked about pets. My dad had cat/dog before, well my grandma would take care of it. Usually they were just strays, one at a time.

They also had chickens like in the tens. It was because they were poor. They raised them and killed/ate them on special occasions like when an auntie was back/visiting. They also ate the eggs, but because they were free roaming, they had to look for them and the warm ones meant they were laid that day.

Poor people had chickens. Some families in Taiwan had pigs, they didn’t. Pigs would be in indoor pens. My aunt’s family had chickens in a small coup all tight that never moved lol in an indoor pen. The noise was something they were used to.

Apples later became available and signaled that you were less poor. My dad would bring a single apple on his school trips. And he shared with people. Around elementary school their family became a bit better off financially.

I heard from my mom a church girl was interested in my dad before. I kind of want to ask him about it lol. Haven’t yet.

My dad today also reminded me that my mom had a friend in Guam. High school friend. She visited CA before I was born. The ganma from universal died (like early, in her 30s?). She had moved to the US somewhere and was considering CA, but didn’t move to CA.



My Secret Notebook

Quirky, curious, and philosophical Asian American gay Ivy League grad living in Southern California.