Gay Greek-Japanese Boy
I’m afraid that I’ll lose weight over the weekend when I go to SF. I also have 2 bachelor parties coming up, which can further hamper that.
But overall, I think I should just be conscious and do my best. That’s all I can do.
I had dessert with a half Greek half Japanese (I think Japanese?) guy who is 23. Used to be a hairstylist, but 6 months ago, he decided he didn’t want to be. Now he works at a legal support group, in the last month. And he wants to be a personal assistant.
I find him attractive. He’s 5'10", has a nice low voice, is thin but masculine bone structure. But overall, the fact that he vapes and is still finding himself (cmon he’s 23) makes me feel it’s best we be friends. He is an INFP, and we had a great time getting to know each other. If we cross certain lines, I can easily fall for him, but I just don’t think it’s the best. So I want to propose us be friends?
But I want to be careful about it. And see if I really need to do it now. What if I do end up really liking him and not caring about some of these other traits. Would that be good? I don’t know.
He’s done drugs before and smokes cigarettes here and there. I’m not into that. And some piercings too.
I think we should just be friends really.