My Life Scoring (Ali Abdaal’s Method)
I was watching Ali Abdaal’s youtube video about how to make the best of 2024, and he did a chart with some life scoring, so gonna give it a try!
- Body: 6
- Mind: 6
- Soul: 4
- Romance: 7.5
- Family: 6
- Friends: 5
- Money: 9
- Mission: 5
- Growth: 4
Joy: 5
This is overall quite sad. I think I did sacrifice a lot for Money this year, as much as I didn’t want to say it. And Ali made a quick point about “Enjoying” what you’re doing. I mean it’s cliche and obvious, but I was too focused on the delayed gratification part that I haven’t been enjoying.
Recently, I’ve been just not caring as much which has relieved some stress, but the amount of mental focus I use for sometimes bare minimum work (in my opinion) is still too straining.
Time to do a breakown analysis of my scores, and then future talk.
Body and mind are 6. They aren’t that bad to be honest. I go to the doctor for anything I want, and my cholesterol med is working. But I do stress eat and have stopped working out basically. No time, no motivation. But I play pickleball with Ray, so again, it’s “not that bad”. 6.
Mind is not great because of stress, but it’s offset by my brain being slightly more utilized. Ok, much more utilized, but it’s a little faster than before when I was going to slowly. I’m still slow sometimes because I’m so worn out, but it feel like it’s getting used more (forced to). But there are some extremely stressful times, so 6.
Soul, 4. What is that? lol i have no idea how to evaluate. Like morality? Like if I’ve sold my soul or if I’m a good soul? Well, I think I’ve done a good amount of “soul-searching” and evaluation, but there’s more to be done, and it was on the back burner because of work and sometimes static-feeling relationship. At least, Ray doesn’t do much soul-searching and we don’t talk about it much. I think I can slow down to do more, but work is eating that time. And maybe my “moral flexibility” lowered my score?
7.5 with Ray because there are some great times. But it’s not a 10 because we don’t have our future plans/life goals aligned or talked through, and its been put off. Also, we fight once every 1–2 weeks, so it’s a work in progress. But we love each other, and in some ways, there’s a profound beauty to that.
Family is 6 because I live with dad and it’s easy to keep up that way. It’s “closeness” in proximity, and we can talk if needed. But I also am not that close, and neither of us have any other effort besides logistics/administrative things. But we feel a duty to each other. Other family, I’ve been distancing in some ways and not feeling that close, but it’s fine. It’s not something that bad, and I’m generally pretty open about what I think/feel.
Friends is 5 because I have not been keeping up with them. I still meet some here and there, but it’s the same ones, and some I’m not that synced with either. But I’ve kinda allowed the stress work and my feeling of being too different distance myself. I’m okay with it, and am happy with Louis and Danid being good friends, but I could do better reaching out from time to time. I think I’m seeing a trend that work is taking away energy from a lot of these areas that I’ve decided to take a backseat on.
Lol, and it’s time for work. Money is a 9 lol. Not a 10 because I’m not at my goal, but I’m aligned and can’t complain. I’m “on track” but having second thoughts. The higher income is at risk because sometimes I will allow some things to fall through, thinking “you know what, i’m okay if I get fired”. And it’s true, I can use some lightened load.
Mission 5. I literally don’t care about the work I do, but it’s gone up a bit because I’ve been feeling like the element of feeling like an expert and having some set people to interact with that I kind of like, isn’t so bad. Once my boss leaves, I will have way less incentive to stay on this team or even job. But I’m feeling like I create value, and that sort of balances out the complete lack of regard for the true nature of my work. I think I want to reinvent “work” for me in the future when I an FI (financially independent). I’m sort of FI now, but when I’m ready to pull the plug, I want to maybe embrace improv, explore content creation, or just try a bunch of a stuff. Money is about optionality! (goodness, is Ali brainwashing me) and I want to exercise my optionality!! There are graeter returns the earlier I do it.
Growth 4. I can potentially grow more at 1/3 of my work, but I’m not planning to because the setup is best with spread out work. So there’s not much vision of growth, but the potential is there especially since I got a shoutout at the last team meeting. It’s a 4 because there’s a future, but nothing immediate or wanting.
Okay, time for future talk, my favorite.
So.. I took a break to read through past life evaluations, and I’m going to just post a new one that reconsiders everything and pastes past information. See you there!