Re-evaluating my Youtube Aspirations

My Secret Notebook
2 min readFeb 11, 2021

My secret YouTube has been taking up more time recently as I test out a “blitz” strategy of releasing a bunch of videos I had been “saving” up. I wanted to see if creating momentum would be better than spreading out the videos.

Overall, It seems like I did get more subs in terms of release days, but idk if things will drop if I stop posting as frequently.

More importantly, I need to re-evaluate the feasibility of my Game channel.

Do I have what it takes to attempt high quality content and take the blow of low views/subs/poor feedback? Am I able to keep trying to make this content, or will I give up?

The only reason my secret YT has been able to live so long is that I outsourced the audio and video elements and am only doing writing and reviewing. It makes it feasible in terms of time commitment and keeping the energy: working with people and needing to provide quick feedback makes me have to “work”.

But on my own, I would easily give up. There needs to be an interactive element that keeps me editing. Eventually I would probably just hire an editor tbh. But it’s so expensive to pay like hundreds of dollars a week for an edit that I’m not even sure will be “good”??

Plan is to first make all the TYPES of videos I’d make:

  • explanation videos (b roll and graphics)
  • game making challenges (bedroom vlog style + playtest)
  • shock value projects (outside of bedroom vlog, more “cool” shots)

These would have different editing styles, and eventually if it takes off (perhaps after 15 videos), I’d sync it up with an IG and TikTok??

For the different styles, I’d need to make at least one of each, and then pass it off to an editor. But can I really? I benchmark against Elliot Choy and Kelly Wakasa, and I need to just ramp up my skills and improve my angles.

It’s just a lot of work I don’t think I have time for, really. Am I ok with high quality videos coming out infrequently? I need to settle on having “bad” results and being proud of my inherent work to be able to motivate myself. And I need to be okay with ~$200–300 weekly spent ($1,200/mo, or $14,000) on top of my other spending, for YouTube videos that may never yield any return.



My Secret Notebook

Quirky, curious, and philosophical Asian American gay Ivy League grad living in Southern California.