Schitt’s Creek Series Finale Ending Explained (6 Seasons)

My Secret Notebook
6 min readMar 31, 2020

After binging a 6-season series of delightful puns and surprisingly modern character development for a Canadian comedy, I can’t help but feel a bit amiss after the ending of Schitt’s Creek. The family and friends are left hugging in front of the motel as Moira calls for “jampagne”.

But I’m left on the other side of the screen wondering — what will happen with Patrick’s reluctance to move? What is Alexis’ new direction in her dating life? Do Stevie and Roland’s family also move to New York?

But before I ponder the answers to these questions, I want to give a quick summary of Schitt’s Creek for our readers. Created by father-son duo Eugene and Dan Levy, the series follows the Rose family (mother Moira, father Johnny, brother David, and sister Alexis) as they lose their entire fortune and are forced to live in Schitt’s Creek, a town Johnny bought his son for his birthday as a joke — not enough in value for the bank to take away. Buried in the fun banter and cringe-aware humor is a strong overall plot that (SPOILER ALERT) leads to the family growing closer, everyone growing as individuals, and the eventual departure from the town as new people.

But it’s this eventual ending and journey I want to analyze and reflect on, so without further ado:

Alexis Rose

It can be argued that Alexis has had greatest character development of the series. She is a surprisingly perceptive attractive girl with a colorful history of sexual ventures, celebrity flings, and international predication. Much like Moira, she is often referencing one of these outrageous experiences.

She goes from promiscuously playing boys without emotional attachment, to being a committed relationships with a wholesome, sensitive veterinarian (Ted) for whom she makes sacrifices for.

This transformation from a selfless narcissist to an occasionally selfless, more introspective narcissist flows into her family life. She begins to worry about missing her family, sacrifice for them, and fight for them (ie. helping David secure distribution exclusivity for Ted’s then-girlfriend Heather’s cheeses). Near the end of season 6, David is caught asking, “Who are you!?”

While she used to often be out for weeks without her family knowing (or caring, except for David) where she is, she began to prioritize and value them. While she used to try to get out of family things, she eventually became heavily involved in helping. This is especially evident in her relationship with her mother Moira. They have lunch for the first time, and eventually talk about the disconnect of each other thinking they each don’t care about each other. Near the end, they are seen snuggling together in Alexis’ bed. I almost cried seeing Alexis’ smile as Moira sang with the Jazzagals at Alexis’ graduation.

But ON TO THE ENDING. In the last few episodes, there is a reference that she is finally “looking up”. This motif was used several times in season 6. When the family was watching Sunrise Bay, David asks when the daughter in the show will “look up”, and eventually Moira says she is about to. That next episode, Alexis says that she is beginning to “look up”.

While she was previously out distracted through a life of partying, Schitt’s Creek was a chance for her to learn about her self (often going to Twyla as a “mirror” to get the answers she had inside her). But Schitt’s Creek is not where she belongs. She was brought “down” (humbled), learned to give things up for others, and it’s finally time in her hero’s journey to go back to the ocean. Now, she is equipped with education/professional maturity (2 degrees) and emotional maturity to be her best self.

I do wish there was more clarity as to what exactly was going to happen in her dating life. I’ve been so invested. Is Alexis going to be on the rebound a bit still? Or is she going to New York and taking a more wholesome approach?

David Rose

I love that there was a representation of such a happy queer coupling with David and Patrick. Definitely in the wish fulfillment genre.

David comes into Schitt’s Creek as self-described “damaged goods”, often making moves to kiss people (ie. Stevie, Patrick) once they show interest in him, but quickly engrossed in self-doubt and self-sabotage.

David is not as perceptive as Alexis and is highly introspective and sassy/negative as a defense mechanism. In fact, it seems everyone in the cast, including he, is aware of this.

His fiance Patrick is almost too good to be true — a cute, attractive guy with good business skills that likes David, thanks David for kissing him, and keeps talking about how much he loves David. Again, just pure wish fulfillment. David is known for his good sense of taste, but never have I seen Patrick admire David for more than his skin (while he was high after the dentist).

I was honestly disappointed that the series didn’t end with the wedding. That’s where things were leading to. Patrick was also just voicing concern of moving out of Schitt’s Creek, and that was just unresolved as the finale ended with Patrick kind of unsure still (lol). But then again, episodes usually just end without major conflicts resolved (ie. Did David ever find out Interflix live streamed the convo about his “oopsy daisy”?? That’s out there forever!).

There were talks about a baby — that could’ve been a good character development where he says “maybe” and smiles (as we know he hates babies). But that was also left unexplored.

Moira Rose

So, is Moira resigning from council? She seemed a bit more static in terms of character development. But she did go from underestimating her children, to partnering with Alexis for work. She also went from desperate to leave Schitt’s Creek and for work, to having self-respect in order to turn down (though because of negotiations) work because Alexis warned her. Her development was mostly in mother-daughter relations.

What would have been nice is to see how Alexis and Moira will maintain the relationship. Are they going to live together? (Or was Alexis going to live with David). Are they going to keep working together?

Johnny Rose

This going without saying that Johnny goes from riches to rags and back to riches. But he also grows closer with his kids, which is what he believes was most important. He also had come to love living in the motel and ended up DOING BUSINESS WITH ROLAND, who was super disgusting (still is by the end).

He started out wanting to get away from Roland ASAP to signing a deal as a business partner with Roland. This is a story about prince to pauper. He emerges from the hero’s journey with a respect for the humble.

The turning point is when he’s at a restaurant in Elmdale and stands up to his old friends saying how much the Schitt family did for him. I almost cried. Johnny knows the value of Roland’s love and generosity. And all Roland really wanted was a “best friend”, which he got.

Stevie Budd

Stevie goes from shaggy, unmotivated motel girl to successful businesswoman. Pretty obvious there.

But she also goes from having no substantial relationships to becoming a maid of honor of David (again, Alexis sacrificing her want for Stevie, aw Alexis!) and mentee of Johnny.

Her life was changed because of the Roses. It wasn’t just the Roses being changed by the town.

SO IN CONCLUSION, it was such a beautiful series. And I definitely related more because of the queer-related plots and such. The dialogue was on point, the acting got better, and the over-arching plots and developments intensified and were satisfying. Just wished I could get some more info on what’s going to happen after the deal!



My Secret Notebook

Quirky, curious, and philosophical Asian American gay Ivy League grad living in Southern California.