Tendency to break out of structure
Everytime I have a set plan or structure, I just want to break out of it.
Yesterday, I finally decided I want to do the 2 channels and 1 IG. But today even though I’m energetic, I don’t have the mental interest to go pursue them. I’m more inclined to exploring new ideas.
I can’t with myself. It’s all about new ideas. The ENTP in me is destroying the ability to build long term vehicles of success.
I only was able to persevere for a hard 3–4 years in high school because of strong determination, sacrificing some physical health, and the motivation of knowing my I’m pleasing my mom.
But now, I really do want to build a future. I need to get rid of other commitments (which Covid has already done to be honest) and focus on my goals. GOALS!!! CMON!!