The Things That Bring The Most Joy
ChatGPT suggested I “simplify by identifying the few things that bring you the most joy and committing deeply to them.”
This was after I fed it some of my reflections and blog posts.
I feel I am starting to do this, and there have been some results.
Here are what bring me the most joy:
- Blood on the Clocktower
- Relaxing at home, watching shows/movies
- Pickleball
- Eating good food (at home, or out)
- Journaling/Introspecting
- Talking with people who are interested in me, who make good/deep convos, building deeper connections
- Good blowjob from my FWB
- Playing with cute guys
- Exploring/learning new things
I just got back from driving down to Escondido to play a full day of BOTC. And it was sooo fun. People also made comments of how good I was at the game and how much they respected me. I won all the games I played — I think 5. I don’t usually win them all, and I don’t care to, but I made good deductions, and people trusted me.
BOTC is my absolute favorite thing to do right now. It is where I feel the most natural, and where I have the most fun. And I appreciate and love the connections I’ve made through the game.
The Escondido group is so nice, and I’ve developed good rapport after playing with them 3 times. I’m so thankful .
I’m going to Australia Clocktower Con in July this year. This is me deeply committing and investing in my favorite thing.
The other stuff definitely also bring me joy, but I don’t think I’m as fixated, engaged, and passionate about them. They’re more like core interests, pleasures, and “daily” joys.
I think I want to date this year, after my trip to Asia, where I’ll probably mess around a bit. Or maybe even a bit before.
I’ll take it as it comes.
I really do want to love, but I also don’t want to spend time with someone that isn’t a great match.
Either way, I will definitely live more in the moment this year, and really use my gut to evaluate if something is what I truly enjoy and want to continue or not. Do what feels right. I’ll give things more chances, but after enough chances/tries, don’t waste more time if it’s not doing it!