What do I want to do? Brainstorm

My Secret Notebook
3 min readMay 20, 2020

What do I want to do?

If I had “absolute freedom” and was not shackled by anything (I don’t think I really am?), what would I pursue and take actual value from doing?

I’ve been thinking.. making games. Sure, I can make show/movie analysis videos too? I feel like those videos are more to attract people who think like me. But making a game I feel brings value to myself and others.

I’ve always made games here and there, but with a lot of time in between the surges.

Here’s a brainstorm of what I want to do:

  1. Make boardgames
  2. Make analysis videos of shows/movies
  3. Have several surrogate children; build a warm, happy family
  4. Have a voice/platform in a community (this is super vague)
  5. Produce original songs that are meaningful to me
  6. Make fun competitive videos with friends (ie. song-writing competition, game making competition with a theme — exciting!, cooking, etc)
  7. Eat delicious foods like pastries and fine foods with people I love
  8. Enjoy relaxing in nice travel destinations with people I love
  9. Be taken care of and nurtured

Here’s some more detail on feasability etc:

  1. Boardgames: I can totally start making this now. I think that’d be really fun. Make a bunch and test them virtually or in person.
  2. Film/show analysis videos: It takes time for me to watch shows, which I do here and there. I think it makes sense for me to write a quick review and post on Medium. If it is popular, I can determine if I edit script for a video? And use B-roll?
  3. Surrogate children: Realistically, this might be do-able in 10 years. I think it’d be nice to have at least 1 child. At Age 40, latest probably 45? What would be crazy is if I marry a guy that happens to be super rich and we buy a bunch of surrogate babies to raise together with maids. Someone really dedicated to me of course, so that’s kind of not realistic.
  4. Voice/platform: I was thinking of building an IG to do this. Waiting for covid to pass a bit before resuming. What I might do is see how my haircut goes and if well, go back to doing shoots, but plan them more so they aren’t all the same.
  5. Songs: I don’t have much inspiration these days, but I think there may be a point I write more/again. Before I was learning and trying, and now I want to be more focused on producing good music that is meaningful. But I don’t really have an impetus (ie. infatuation, breakup, etc). And I’m fine with that. Only wrote wedding songs lol.
  6. Competition videos: I don’t have friends to do this with LOL. People interested in these kinds of “competitions” would be Wills and Loies. And neither would want to be on camera tbh. So, it’s not really realistic.
  7. Foods with people: This can be done once covid blows over. I kind of already do this, and I’m fine delaying this.
  8. Relaxing with people: Again, I can delay this too.
  9. Nurtured: This is more of a wish. Maybe I’ll find a partner one day that is nurturing. If not, that’s ok.



My Secret Notebook

Quirky, curious, and philosophical Asian American gay Ivy League grad living in Southern California.