Why I’m Starting A Secret Online Journal
Dear Secret Notebook,
I was browsing an online article of things I have to do before 30, and I saw “documenting your life” as one the cheesy bucket-list items. To be honest, I’ve been wanting to document my life for a while, given my waning memory (I’m turning 30 in December — why is my memory already so bad!?), half-dead passion for writing, and otherwise unrecorded and relatively insignificant life.
However, here’s mainly why I’ve been hesitant:
- I’m gay. And I’m not out. So I couldn’t make it a public journal. Hence, *secret* notebook.
- I can’t monetize this easily if I’m not out and if I’m just journaling. So I don’t see it turning into a business venture.
- I’m lazy. I don’t want to feel burdened to have to write. And the thought of needing to edit content before I release it to the inter-webs makes my eyelids heavier than a Benadryl does.
But I’ve accepted these things. And for the last point, I’ve decided that I will make this as casual and burden-free as possible. I’m not going to kill myself over making my writing 1,000% the best piece of writing at all times.
The purpose of this journal is for consistent documentation of my life. I want my existence to be recorded somewhere for myself (because again, I have bad memory) and for anybody who is interested (who knows, maybe if I have children, they might want to know what my life was like). I also want a space to freely express my thoughts.
There are so many things I plan to write about: friends, family, Bible studies (yes, I’m gay and Christian), boardgames, fooding adventures, real estate ventures, dating (or lack thereof), my inevitable existential musings, my loads of questions about everything, and just random ideas. But I have to be clear here. I absolutely want this to be consistent. I absolutely want this to be honest.
I absolutely want this to be the real me.
Welcome to My Secret Notebook. :)